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Best LED Grow Lights For Full Cycle Growth

There are different hues of light plants need to grow properly. Naturally outdoors, the light spectrum varies in spring vs fall, and plants have acclimated to this fact. When growing standard indoors , you need to mimic this light transitioning for the best possible outcome on your harvests.

Plants while growing in their vegetative state need light color temperature of 2800-3200K and during their flowering state, a 6800-7000 K color temperate. When in a flowering state, the budding plant will need some blue spectral range light, but not nearly as much as its red spectral counterpart.

Most plant varieties also have a transitional period when they are figuring out the seasons are changing and need a mix of the red and blue light spectrum together. This time period is crucial to a plants growth as the plant does most of its structural growth at this time.

If your using a standard led grow light for growing indoors, then you will need multiple lights systems to give your plants the correct amount of light at each stage of growth. Once a grower has switched on the 12/12 light/dark cycle, a vegetative led grow light will be switched out with one that is best suited for flowering. There is however a better way to carry out this light transition your plants need, and in a more natural way… Adjustable led grow light units.

One such led grow light company, lumigrow, makes a grow light with this adjustable spectrum feature. By taking a look at the picture of the unit below, you can see the adjustable dials that allow you to dim both the red and blue spectral ranges that come with the unit.

Now, even though it would be nice to actually change the color output of of the led’s themselves, it’s simply not possible with led’s made today. What you will have to compromise when choosing this type of setup is the fact that not all of the led’s will be in action at all times, and intensity will not be there like a fully dedicated unit would be, ie flowering or veg.

The major advantage of using an adjustable LED Grow Lights unit such as this lies within the fact that you can easily transition your plants for their various stages of growth precisely. During the plants transitional period, it is possible to dial in the perfect amount of blue and red light for the purpose. For the first week of the transitional period, you can run 50% blue light and 50% red, while the second week would have nearly 70% of the light being in the red spectrum. Keep in mind, vegetative plants do not care so much about intensity as an accurate light spectrum, so if your not using full intensity during this transitional period, you won’t loose yield doing so.

Another thing to keep in mind with a unit like this is to remember that by dimming one set of LED Grow Lights doesn’t mean there is more energy potential for the other led’s. Additionally, adding full power to the blue led’s during flowering will not give you any increased benefit as your plants requirement for the blue light during flowering is limited.

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